Motivational Monday Week 19

Good Morning,

I hope you're doing well this Monday morning. I wanted to tell you about last weekend. Saturday I played my first live event of 2024.

2 hours before the event, I was actually pretty paralyzed by the fear of no one showing up or me screwing up my DJ set entirely. I laid in bed way longer than I was supposed to and I couldn’t find the will power to move. I was actually supposed to be sending you an email telling you to come to the event that I’m referring to. But you never got that email because my anxiety had me in a chokehold. It had me contributing to the fearful scene I had playing out in my head. I’m here to to tell you that instead of focusing on the nightmare that can happen, focus on the dream that can occur. This week's quote is by Robin Howard " Take time first thing to visualize and incredible day" and let that be your guide. Because when I tell you the complete opposite happened Saturday night. The event was packed; wall to wall, and it was one of my best DJ sets ever. You could've been there had I not been in my head but you can still view Saturday night here.

I don't write these emails from a place of perfection. I write them because I am learning right with you and I need these friendly reminders to keep me going too.

Anyways, you've got this. See ya next week, and don't forget to press play on that 30 minute mix if you're in need of some high energy beats. I've got you. Now go and have a bomb ass Monday, on purpose!


Tarese Howard