Motivational Monday Week 18

What IS up,

Happy Monday you awesome human being, thank you for joining us today. I wanted to talk to you about what got you here. There is an entire formula that you've been executing that's got you here. I can tell you that for me, my wins used to feel like coincidences, instead of purposeful acts. I didn't feel responsible for all of the successes that occurred in my life but the reality is that there was a series of choices that I made that got me to where I am today and same goes for you.

Now, with all that in mind I want you to hear this week's quote which is "What got you here won't get you there". It comes down to our choices on a daily basis. Recently, I had to audit my own habits and behaviors due to the fact that my previous wins felt like coincidences. I don't know about you but I don't want to win on accident anymore. All 2024 I am out to win on purpose.

I couldn't judge myself through the audit process either. I've been through some shit so I had to take it easy on myself. I envisioned the person that I want to be and wrote down the behaviors that I think that person would have. I compared future me and their behaviors to my current behaviors and boy, was that eye opening 😅. If you're out to achieve your goals in 2024 I encourage you to do the same so you can recieve some insight and start to align your actions with what you say you value. If you're ahead of the game, already changing your behaviors, good shit! That's dope.

Keep it going, you've got this. See ya next week, and don't forget to press play on that 30 minute mix if you're in need of some high energy beats. I've got you. Now go and have a bomb ass Monday, on purpose!


Tarese Howard