Motivational Monday Week 17


Happy Monday, it's good to see you! Last week I completed my 100 T-Shirt mission and I wanted to share what I learned. First and foremost, when you set out on a mission it’s best to follow through. I gave away 100 T-Shirts at my job just to see what it would do. I felt like I had this great idea, my t-shirts that had positive messages on them with no one to buy so what better way to spread the message then to give it away. I started with one act of kindness; made the t-shirts and then randomly gave it to people but I asked the recipients if they wanted to donate the next shirt I gave out. More than half the recipients that received a shirt donated a shirt. It was an idea I believed in but was met with crippling doubt day in and day out. It was the people who believed in the mission that pushed me to keep going on days where I just wanted to hang it all up. I literally felt pushed to give out shirts on the donors behalf. It felt exhilarating, and electrifying even on my worst days. I say all of this to say that your doubt is so real but the reality of life exceeding your wildest expectations is also something that can happen as well. It’s wrestling with these contrasts that really give this life something worth living for. This shit really gives heads or tails sometimes but what will never fail is the fact that “what’s done in love is done well”. Your intention is so important when it comes to completing your goals and going after your dreams. If my intentions weren't pure with the giveaway the mission would have fell apart.

This is a classic case of : You waking up one day and saying "the sky is blue", and then some people are like "nah the sky is actually red" but another group of people say "hey that thing might be blue". At the end of the day it doesn't really matter what people say. What matters is that you continue to believe in your mission, your goals, even in the face of adversity. Love will keep you going, the passion will keep you going. People will really try to shut down your dreams, people including you. Lol your nightmares will come true but so will some dope ass things you never thought would happen too. You just gotta be you and affirm your truth with love and intention. Let's make this a great week on purpose y'all.


Tarese Howard