Motivational Monday Week 16


I hope you're still plotting and going after what you want in this lifetime.

You’re more than capable of achieving the things you set your mind to. I was reminded of this after playing the game “Sorry” with my Wife. I whooped her ass lmao but in all honesty that’s besides the point or maybe it is the entire point of this email haha. But on a serious note!

The game "Sorry" taught me that no matter how many times you get knocked off your path or course in life to still hope and plan for opportunities to arise where the cards are in your favor.

I know some of yall are thinking "That's pretty deep for a damn board game, Reese" but bear with me y'all 😂.

You've gotta stay ready so you don't have to get ready! It was a lesson about how hope, intention and focus are needed in order to complete the mission most times. This week's quote by Alexa Hirchfeld is, “The biggest challenge is to stay focused. It’s to have the discipline where there are so many competing things”. That’s the realest sh*t I never wrote. Having discipline ain’t no joke. One of the few things I do to maintain focus and discipline is that I write. I journal to hold myself accountable. I also started saying “No” more often. I stopped feeling bad for not being everything to everyone. Saying yes to everyone had me feeling like I had no time for myself. I had to learn how to say no to opportunities that did not align with my goals because it gave me more time to stay focused and open for opportunities that do align with my goals. I’d love to hear what helps you stay focused when there’s shit you need to do. Feel free to reply back to this 🚀

Thank you for reading this week's motivational message. As always, I am rooting for you. You've got this. Below, is a 30 minute high energy Jersey Club mix from me to you. And remember let's make this a dope ass week on purpose.


Tarese Howard