Motivational Monday Week 15

Good Morning,

I hope you are well over there and Happy New Year yo!

Last year I realized some extraordinary sh*t comes out of pain. It's the contrast that gives you one wild eye opening that you never asked for. I used to wish that the trauma I experienced didn't happen. I used to wish I could rewrite the past but honestly my future nor my present would be the same had it been rewritten. I am here to tell you that now; I choose to be grateful for that sh*tty experience because I was able to grow into someone I am learning to love everyday.

You have two options when you are faced with trauma. You either move or stay stuck. I am here to tell you that a rolling stone collects no moss.

So "Moooove B***h Get Out Of Your Way!!" and before you ask, no I didn't call you the B word. I just remixed some Ludacris to drive the point home 😂😂.

Thank you for reading this week's motivational message. I am rooting for you. You've got this. Below, is a 30 minute high energy Jersey Club mix from me to you. And remember to make this an amazing year on purpose.


Tarese Howard