Motivational Monday Week 20

Good Morning party people 🎉,,

I am so grateful that you are here with us today . You need a gold star simply because you woke up this morning haha. I hope you enjoyed your weekend and you’re looking forward to completing your goals this week.

On your way to completing your goals I just wanted to hit you with one friendly reminder, “growth and comfort cannot happen at the same time”. It sucks but the truth is we need a little challenge in order to expand, learn a lesson, and ultimately overcome obstacles. I used to look at challenges like inconveniences, but now I look at them as opportunities to pivot, to do something different for myself because the default way of operating is not helping me in this lifetime. It makes me think of puberty. If you can take yourself back to middle school, that painful experience, then you can see what I am talking about. For the girls, our boobs were growing, that was uncomfortable. For the dudes, your voice was cracking and that sh*t was embarrassing; we know this! You may be going through a similar season in life right now that's uncomfortable (maybe not physically but mentally) and you need to go through these seasons in order to acquire new traits of “bigger boobs and deeper voices”. (Stick with me here just for the sake of the metaphor 🤣) But when you are trying new things out, you are going to suck and that is okay. What matters is that you are trying, what matters is that you keep going because one day you’re gonna look back and be proud of yourself for overcoming each challenge.

You've got this yo. I'll see ya next week, and don't forget to press play on that 30 minute mix if you're in need of some loving jersey club vibes for this week. Now go and enjoy your Monday, on purpose!


Tarese Howard