Motivational Monday Week 8

Recently, I found out how

much I truly did not rely on myself for love and comfort. One of the things my traumatic experience taught me was to trust myself wholeheartedly. Before, I used to look at other people for the answers on how to be and how to move. I was validated externally; through my accomplishments and how people saw me. I was that yes person. The person who was there at all costs while not knowing how to be there for myself. I had to learn how to lean into trusting my feelings, my limits, and myself. It’s never too late to begin that journey. My good man Richard Bach said that “ Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself”. And I felt that cause I’m not here to be me and stick up for me then who will??Friendly reminder that we only get one life, so you might as well make it real, and make it you. Not the people pleasing version of you, the real you!!

And as always, let’s remember to make this a great week, on purpose.

- Reese

If you’d like access to the tracklist + songs within this mix. Visit this link here.

Tarese Howard