Motivational Monday Week 7

No one tells you how hard it is to show up and press

publish. It’s hard-work being a creator. It’s you versus you. There are times where I don’t know what to create, I feel like my creations are ass and I want to hide them from the world entirely. What keeps me going is my why. I’m on a whole mission when I create because there is at least one person who is positively impacted or feels seen when they encounter my work. Today’s message is that “we will be known forever by the tracks we leave” brought to you by my good Native American friends. So, my question for you is what tracks are you leaving here on this earth? Because it’s up to you to show up and let everybody know you were here, cue Beyoncé *starts singing* 

“I was heeERree, I lived, I loved I was heERRE. I did, I’ve done, everything that I wanted. And it was more than I thought it would be. I will leave my mark so everyone will know I was here.”

And as always, let’s remember to make this a great week, on purpose.

- Reese

If you’d like access to the tracklist + songs within this mix. Visit this link here.

Tarese Howard