Motivational Monday Week 9

Imagine if you couldn’t

move. Imagine if you couldn’t enjoy your life right now because you aren’t where you think you should be. I used to be here. I know plenty of people that are here because they haven’t reached their goals yet. I’m here to tell you to move, regardless on this beautiful monday morning. A rolling stone gathers no moss. You are here on this earth to be alive in this present moment, even if you are not where you think you should be. This makes me think of Christmas. I used to be so excited to sift through the new toy magazines, write my christmas list, and just wish I got at least one thing I wanted on the list. When christmas came, the big thing I wanted on the list was here usually and all that anticipation that was built up was gone. I got the thing and it was like now what? I’m here to tell you that those moments of building up anticipation on the way to achieving the goal is the moment. Those are the feelings you should allow yourself to sit with and experience over and over again. It’s really falling in love with the process that makes it all worth it. This brings me to this week’s quote by my boy, Wayne Dyer, he says “When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way”. This week I want you to think about how you are deciding to enjoy each step along the way. It’s tough, but just know you are not alone. I’m right here feeling the same feels with you.

And you already know what I am about to say; let’s remember to make this a great week, on purpose.

- Reese

This week I’ve got a new Wedding Jersey Club Mix for you, that I released for my wedding anniversary this past weekend. It’s a song to celebrate to so feel free to blast it but if you want a dope mix to get your morning started with click here.

Tarese Howard