Motivation Monday Week 3

Just In Case You Forgot

I’m here to remind you to be proud of yourself and remember where you came from yo. Recently, I found myself in a super zoomed in, negative head space due to all of life’s uncertainty. I decided to listen to this podcast that I knew would make me feel better. It told me to dodge negativity but also to revisit an old place in my life. I decided to jump in my car with my wife and visit the three houses I used to live at. I took some time to reminisce on who I was at each of those houses. I remembered the good times, the bad times, the shit I’ve let go of, and the shit I’ve gained but overall it reminded me of the fact that I’ve overcome so many things. It let me know that if I did it before, with all of the odds seemingly stacked against me, I can definitely do it again. After visiting the houses and ending the tour with coming home, it helped me feel so rejuvenated and hopeful. If I can make it through that shit and be the person I am today, I can make it through so much more. I challenge you to take some time to zoom out. Visit an old space where you used to stay, and remember who you were then compared to who you are now. Notice what you’ve accomplished since 3, 6, 9 years ago. Peep the skills you’ve gained. Also, notice what you don’t allow anymore. Acknowledge your growth, your evolution, your resilience. Even if you feel like you haven’t gone far; the fact that you are still here and aware is so powerful! You have a chance to change your life and move in the direction you want to go in. You’re driving the boat yo, and I’m here to root you on every step of the way. So whenever you’re ready, go head and press play to get a bomb ass start to your Monday!

Let’s make it a great week, on purpose.

- Reese

Tarese Howard