Motivation Monday Week 2

Good Morning Beautiful.

First off, I wanna thank you for waking up this morning. This week is gonna be a good one, because I believe you can make it a good one.

Last week Beyonce played my “America Has A Problem” Jersey Club Remix during her tour. You can watch it here. This all happened as I was facing some tough life challenges. I was so deep in my crap storm that I had no clue she even played it. Which brings me to my motivational message of the week brought to you by confucius, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall”. I felt like I was in bikini bottom last week, and sometimes I still feel like I’m there but the universe comes through with these dope miracles that just remind us of why we are here. My purpose felt affirmed during one of the lowest points of my life this year and I just hope this empowers the hell out of you. Even when the odds seem like they are stacked against you, they’re not and it’ll only get better. Storms don’t last always. You are not alone, and if you are going through some crap right now there’s definitely a silver lining to it all.

Now it’s time to get your day started, create your silver lining by pressing play on this awesome mix below. Feel free to work out, drive to work, walk your dog, or just hit some dance moves to this mix. I promise it will get your week off to an excellent start.

Enjoy, yall!

- Reese

Tarese Howard