Motivation Monday Week 1

I hated it.

And the people who had control over me and my story loved it. They repeatedly crossed my boundaries. My tongue got tied, and I was suddenly a mime every time it was time to defend myself.

It felt lonely being on the outside of my body, watching the world around me unfold as I questioned my mere existence inside my head.

I had to learn to speak up in order to stop feeling so lonely. People did not know me, people did not know what I wanted. I was like a damn bendy straw, twisting and turning into the shape of whatever the world wanted me to be. That was so exhausting.

I was tired of everyone else being comfortable at the expense of my own. Which started my journey of speaking the hell up. I made a statement with my hair, by cutting it all off last year because I hated it.

I encourage you to make a statement that speaks to who you are.

Whether you start to write out your truth or actually speak life into it; any step is better than no step. Because I found myself slapping myself in the face every time I did not speak in my truth. I found myself living and appeasing other people when I did not speak my truth. I found myself delaying my happiness when I did not speak in my truth.

I’m here to tell you, you deserve happiness. You deserve to be heard. Your feelings matter. Your dreams matter. You matter.

Keep going and don’t give up on yourself.

- Reese

* DJs you can download all the songs located in the mix here.

Also this is the start of my official newsletter! Feel free to share this with your friends/family.

Tarese Howard