Motivation Monday Week 4

When you’ve hit snooze

way too many times, that might be your sign to press play on this mix. We’ve got things to do! You’ve got a purpose to fulfill. Let’s maximize the quality of our day by pressing play not only on this mix but on our lives. Today’s quote is brought to you by Mary Radmacher, she says “As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way”. That resonates with all of my insides because I am naturally a giver. It feels good to be of service to other people when it’s reciprocated and appreciated because it helps me feel a sense of purpose. It helps me clarify what I want to continue to give to others. And I am grateful for that. As we go into this week feel free to reflect on how you create light for others and how that in turn, lights you up. I’d love to hear your responses, so feel free to reply directly to this with some answers.

Also, let’s make this a great week, on purpose.

- Reese

* DJs you can download the full mix and tracklist here.

Tarese Howard