Motivational Monday Week 26

Good Morning 🚀,

Welcome to another beautiful Motivational Monday. I am so happy that you are here reading this message today. I hope it helps propel you towards the person you want to become. You literally deserve everything you’re working towards. And I need you to know that I am literally in your corner rooting for you. These messages serve as seeds of encouragement for anyone journeying towards their goals.

As we pursue our dreams, we'll have to encounter obstacles; it’s apart of the journey. This is a friendly reminder to prioritize self-love and care, as Tina Turner wisely said, "Love and care for yourself FIRST because that is when the BEST comes out”. Failure is a huge part of success; it's through learning from our setbacks that we grow. Many of us are overly critical of ourselves, especially when stepping outside our comfort zones. As a former perfectionist, I understand the paralyzing fear of imperfection.

Recently, I came across this article, addressing one of the four dream killers: our inner critic. This internal negativity chips away at our confidence, dampens motivation, and reduces productivity. I've experienced firsthand how self-criticism inhibits progress, preventing us from learning and improving.

Instead of beating ourselves up, let's embody that foam finger number one fan energy. Just as we would offer grace to our favorite artist for a mistake on stage, we should extend the same compassion to ourselves. Embracing this mindset shift will accelerate our journey towards self-fulfillment.

As always I am here to support you, so let me know how I can improve this newsletter for the music lovers, producers, and DJ's out there.

What's one thing I can include to make this better for all of us? And while I wait for your response, remember to try to have an amazing ass week on purpose.

Thank you,


Tarese Howard