Motivational Monday Week 34

Motivational Mix + Message from Hyped-Up Reese

Good Morning 🚀,

This week I've decided to spice up the way I am delivering these motivational mix and messages to you! I am now recording these episodes live so that you can feel the energy too rather than just reading it.

This weeks message is brought to you by Virginia Satir she says.. "Ask for what you want, instead of waiting for permission". And this quote deeply resonates within me. I feel like we all know people that sit and wait to be called on in order to speak. I am people sometimes so I know what it feels like to wait for other people to validate your existence. I used to thrive in that people pleasing environment until I realized that it broke me every time I failed to meet another person's expectations. Instead of waiting for someone else to validate your vision, your dreams, your ideas let's go out into the world and ask for what we need in order to make it happen for ourselves. Let's get started on our journey by simply asking for what we need.

I appreciate you and try to have a bomb ass week on purpose

- Reese

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Tarese Howard