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Motivational Mix + Message from Hyped-Up Reese

Goo0o00d Morning 💥

You amazing human being! Welcome to another Motivational Monday. I’d like to start off by saying I appreciate the hell out of you for tapping in this week. It brings warmth to my heart knowing that you are here, taking time to read these.

Never stop being you, and showing up for you, this world needs you.

Let's get into this weeks message..

This week’s Motivational Message is “Tension is who you think you should be and Relaxation is who you are” this is a Chinese proverb.

Let’s dig a little deeper into this meaning..

It's natural to have certain goals you want to achieve but what happens when you fall short or make a mistake?

For me, it used to be an internal dialogue, that would tell me how much of a failure I am and how I am not enough. I would feel my breathe getting shallow, sadness would sit inside my body and I’d feel like I had less energy to execute on the next task.

Why? Because of the tension, the inability to let go of what has already happened. That’s the tension I believe the Chinese proverb refers to.

The tension is in the fact that we feel wrong for the way our lives are unfolding but honestly we are right where we need to be, at any given time, within this lifetime. As a recovering perfectionist I used to feel this tension often. Lately I’ve learned that the answer to this tension is letting go. And that’s where the relaxation comes in. By not needing to control every outcome, we free ourselves from unnecessary suffering.

We’re supposed to be JUST as happy as dogs on this damn planet!

Yet, so many of us are stuck in our mind thinking of what we should’ve, or could’ve done differently. Let's focus on showing up consistently, giving our best, and trusting that whatever happens is part of a greater plan beyond our control..

In due time, our dreams will come into fruition. I believe in you, I believe in us.

Have a bomb ass monday on purpose and don’t forget to let go, and relax yo self into the greatness that you already are! See you next week.


Tarese Howard