Motivational Monday Week 31

Motivational Mix + Message from Hyped-Up Reese

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Good Morning 🚀,

Let’s get this week started! You ever go to create something and when that something was finished you were not satisfied with the results? You ever been so dissatisfied with your results that you questioned your abilities as a creator in general and experience a decrease in motivation? Well me too. That shit paralyzed me. And it is actually normal, I wanted to tell you that you are not alone my friend.

When I would go to create beats, sometimes the beats were trash. I’d wrap my identity, my self worth, my beat making abilities all in this one song. This is a trap for us as creatives. When we put all of our self worth into ONE thing that we make, it becomes dangerous. It's time to break up with that sort of thinking because it couldn’t be further from the truth. The truth is our identity is in our collective efforts, not just one effort, on one random day, in any given week.

If you haven’t been showing up for yourself because you’ve been paralyzed into thinking you aren’t enough based on the performance of your last creation, know that I feel you on a personal level. This leads me to this week’s quote which is “Your worth is not tied to your performance. Who you are is in the why of what you’re doing”.

I create music because of how it makes me feel inside. The act of it all feels like a big ass hug from me to me. At the start we are so excited, we are inspired to get started and in between several things happen that we don’t expect, and it contributes to an outcome. Instead of judging yourself based on the outcome I challenge you to hold onto the same initial awe and inspiration that you felt when you started. And apply that energy to the next creation, and then the next because that’s who you are at your core. You are the person who is moved by the process of engaging in your preferred method of expression. And truth be told we need more of that shit. I can’t wait to see what you end up creating you amazing ass human being. Thank you for existing see you next week, enjoy this mix and have a bomb ass day on purpose!

Also this Wednesday, May 1st, is the start of mental health awareness month!

& In honor of the start I’ll be wearing my “You Are Enough” friendly reminder t-shirt.

*Also "You Are Enough" Day was postponed but I will be back with another date for us to wear our shirts in support of mental health awareness month!


Tarese Howard